Adventures in making a New and Improved Binder!


Most binders kind of suck. If you're a C cup or above, they barely do squat, they're unsafe and uncomfortable, there's a time limit for wearing them, and after a while your ribs just hurt. I'm tired of this, so I'm making my own.

Notes so far: Conventional binders use stretchy material to compress the bust, however the stretchy material can shrink (unsafe) or lose its elasticity (bad). Side-fastening binders are unsafe. Front-fastening is safer. A stretchy back and rigid front is better than the opposite. NEVER use bandages. 1920s binders seem a fantastic resource. They solve all the aforementioned problems, and unlike stays, don't seem to show under light fabric.

1920s Binding: The Symington Side Lacer is unsafe and doesn't seem to provide adequate binding. Some brassieres for "stout" women utilized light boning (will test in future). Most utilized rigid fabric, with some elastic. (Could bra wiring do something similar to boning?). I have a pattern drafted. I'll put it up here if it works. I am closely examining old pictures and adverts for among others, "Boyshform" binders.


My first prototype is complete. My thoughts: It certainly does the job, and I'm not experiencing pain (other than residual pain from my old binder), but there are a few problems: